Counseling Resources » Academic Planning

Academic Planning

Academic Planning
Online Academic Planner
Beginning with the 2025-2026 school year, Millville High School students now have the ability to create their schedules online in Campus Student (Student Portal). Parents/Guardians may also approve course selections in Campus Parent (Parent Portal).
The Academic Plan tool allows students to select their courses for the upcoming school year, as well as create a full academic plan for their time at Millville High School.
Self-Scheduling Window
The Academic Planner will be open to students in grades 9-11** from February 23 - March 2, 2025. Once the window closes, students will no longer have access to the Academic Plan tool until the next year's scheduling window.
**NOTE: Exceptional Education students in self-contained classrooms will select their schedule with their Case Manager. Please disregard the Self-Scheduling Window.
Timeline: Finalize Schedule with Counselor
Grade 11 Grade 10 Grade 9
 March 3 - March 20, 2025 March 24 - April 10, 2025 April 11 - May 9, 2025
Self-Schedule Assistance
See the guides below for help with using the Academic Plan tool in Campus Student (Student Portal). You may follow the PDF guide (English/Español) or watch the tutorial video.
Self-Schedule Steps:
  1. Log in to Campus Student and click Academic Plan
  2. Choose Graduation Requirements (Graduation) and select your Post Grad Plans
  3. Use the Course Catalog search bar or search under each individual grade/course to select and add your courses
    1. You can select courses for all years of high school, but focus on the upcoming year
  4. If you do not meet course or credit requirements, you will see alerts at the top of the window
  5. Once you have selected all courses and cleared all alerts, click Save at the top
  6. Parents/Guardians may confirm your choices by opening Academic Plan in Campus Parent (Parent Portal) and clicking the checkbox